Sunday Survivor Story: Klaire

Sunday Survivor Story: Klaire

“Fairy tales are more than true; not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten.” G.K. Chesterton

Having ended a relationship marred by domestic abuse, Klaire has set out on a new path of empowering survivors and developing a community of people focused on helping others so that no one ever feels alone in their own journey.

Like many domestic violence survivors, Klaire said, “Like so many other survivors of domestic abuse, I struggled with fears of my former partner coming after me legally, or even physically again.”

Klaire realizes now, several months removed from this relationship, that staying quiet about the abuse she endured would have stunted her healing process and her desire now, is to see more survivors speak up and stand up for themselves. Though Klaire has made a lot of progress in her healing journey she still faces the moments of self-doubt, and questions herself, on if she is making the right decisions. “I am a believer and I truly feel the calling to help others realize they are not alone in what they are going through and that is what motivates me to get up in the morning, the ability to help bring that hope to others.”

Klaire’s desire is to share the truth that there is a way out of domestic violence and that you are not alone. Klaire said, “I believe one of the most important things you can do for someone else is to make them feel like they are important.” She believes just listening to others is vital to empowering those who are struggling. Klaire comes from parents who are still happily married today and their relationship has had a tremendous impact on her life. “My parents have shown me what a marriage should look like when it is healthy. Watching my parents has allowed me to know what is acceptable, and what is not, inside of a marriage.” She credits her parents as being her “saving grace” in knowing that domestic violence is never OK. Klaire said, “Knowing that self-doubt is a seed inside of all of us, and everyone faces different battles, I see the importance of never doubting my own abilities and my own worth.”

G.K. Chesterson’s words ring so clearly to Klaire that though the proverbial “dragons” exist around us, with self confidence, belief in yourself and a community around you, they can all be defeated.

Sunday Survivor Series is a bi-weekly blog series highlighting survivors of domestic violence and their success after abuse.


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