Domestic Violence Resources

Thank you for seeking more information about domestic violence. On this
page you will find information on what domestic violence is, information
on who to contact if you are experiencing domestic violence, domestic
violence statistics, and downloadable content.


Hannah Kay is a domestic violence survivor — one of the 1.3 million women who are impacted by domestic abuse every year. Her experience set her on a journey, from a small town in Georgia to a job with one of the most powerful women in the world and then to start Thread Talk, a company that supports domestic violence shelters across the U.S.

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Shop our soft, luxurious collection of blankets that provides comfort in more ways than one.

There’s the comfort that comes with wrapping one around yourself or your loved ones. Then there’s the comfort in knowing that 10% of your purchase is donated to domestic violence shelters, giving hope to someone you may not know who needs it most.

10% of each purchase donated

Survivors of domestic violence often flee abuse with nothing more than the clothes on their backs. Traumatized and fearful, they turn to local domestic violence programs for refuge from the relentless abuse they faced at the hands of their partner.

Donate Directly

Building Community

We are currently looking for college students who want to become a pillar of their community in the fight against domestic violence. Help us start the conversation about healthy relationships on campus by nominating a Campus Ambassador today!

Nominate Now

Watch the Thread Talk Story